Ritual, Religion and Belief

Participating in rituals–religious and other rituals–seems to be a deep and meaningful part of being human. Humans of every era and geographical location have developed rituals, which serve any number of purposes. This service will explore why rituals are so important and what they mean to us in our current era.

Intention, Impact and Covenant

There’s often a big difference between our good intentions and our actual impact on others’ lives—particularly if there is an imbalance between our levels of power, privilege, and influence. How can we work toward aligning our impact with our intentions,and how might the concept of covenant help us?

Vision and Voyage

(One service only, at 10:00) As we prepare for our upcoming capital project, what is the vision that we have for our church and for our community? How do we hold onto this vision while in the midst of the often rocky voyages of our lives and of the world? (This service will be followed … Continued

Trans Rights = Human Rights

At a time when the U.S. administration is trying to take away civil rights from people who are transgender and erase their identities, our commitment to being radically welcoming and to working for equal rights for all has never been more important.  What can we do to support our transgender friends and siblings?