Hope, Not Hell
More than 250 years ago, John Murray, considered the founder of Universalism in America, extolled the value of preaching “hope, not hell.” What does it mean to lean into hope amid the challenges facing our country today?
• 318 Sunday Services (226 audio, 92 video)
• 536 Minister’s Moments/Rays of Light since March 2020 (29 hours of video)
• Other media, including Christmas and Vespers Services
• 333 total hours of media (206 audio, 127 video)
• Orders of Service included with each recording, plus one large searchable document with all the Orders of Service
This compilation of media is provided by dedicated volunteer Mike Gravitt.
More than 250 years ago, John Murray, considered the founder of Universalism in America, extolled the value of preaching “hope, not hell.” What does it mean to lean into hope amid the challenges facing our country today?
Featuring several short wisdom tales from Anthony De Mello, this sermon will explore the nature of wisdom, as opposed to knowledge. How do we go about discovering wisdom, especially when we seem to spend most of our time just trying to get through our lives?
Often the stories of our lives are not told until after our deaths in the form of eulogies and obituaries. What is the story of your life, and why might it be important to embrace and tell the story now rather than later?