Pledge Now!

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Pledge Now!

Pledging FAQ’s

Pledging is a deeply personal commitment that we make to the work we do here at Sunnyhill. We provide a safe, welcoming sanctuary to all, regardless of what they believe, who they are, or whom they love. We fight injustice and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. We commit our financial resources to this work, but we also commit our talent and our time.

Fair share pledging can help individuals and families identify their annual financial commitment. The guide below, published by the UUA, suggests pledge amounts based on personal income.

Pledging is how we pay Sunnyhill’s bills: operating expenses, staff salaries and benefits, annual dues to the UUA and district, children and youth programs, and adult programming.

  • The average annual cost per adult member or friend is about $1,600.
  • The average annual cost per child or youth is about $750.

There is no right or wrong way to arrive at an annual pledge amount. We encourage you to begin by considering what Sunnyhill and its work means to you and thinking about what your contribution might be. We hope you will consider 3% of your personal income as a starting point.

Thank you for pledging.

Stewardship Committee