Rev. Jim Magaw

Healing and Change

One of the most powerful aspects of many contemporary social movements—including #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, and the March for Our Lives—is the way in which they are fueled by grief, but transform that grief into action. How do we go about the process of healing through change?  

Living Within the Constraints of Time

One of the primary challenges we face as human beings is the fact that we do not have an unlimited amount of time—there are only 24 hours in each day, and we are alive for only decades at best. How do we deal with this challenge in a positive and life-affirming way?

What is Unitarian Universalism?

Unitarian Universalism is sometimes wrongly described as not having its own theology. Although it’s true that there is a great deal of theological diversity within our congregations, we do have our own unique theology—both historically and contemporarily. This service will provide an overview of Unitarian Universalist theology and why it is important to us and … Continued

The Gift of Presence

Sometimes the best and greatest present we can give someone else, especially someone who is suffering, is simply our presence—not offering advice or platitudes—but just being there as a listening, caring presence. How do we go about doing this work with one another? 

Meaning, Purpose, and an Indifferent Universe

While a sense of purpose is practically a requirement of being human, there is no irrefutable evidence of purpose existing outside human imagination. What does it mean to be a purposeful creature in a seemingly purposeless universe? (BLUU Offering)


There is no such thing as a life without failure. Failure is inevitable in both big and small ways. And there is an inextricable link between risk-taking, failure, and success. What can we learn from failure and how do we apply those lessons to our individual lives and our communities? (The Chothani family won the sermon in … Continued

Julia Ward Howe: American Feminist

Julia Ward Howe (for whom Howe Elementary School in Mt. Lebanon was named) was an early Unitarian feminist and social justice trailblazer whose life and legacy can teach us a lot about moving forward in life despite adversity and personal challenges.  

Courage and Improvisation

Jazz legend Miles Davis once famously said: “It’s not the note you play that’s the wrong note – it’s the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong.” Jazz encourages and requires moving forward without entirely knowing where you are going. How might this kind of thinking play out in the rest of … Continued

Are Physical Limits in Our Head?

As athletes continue to break previously unbreakable records, some physiologists argue that our physical limits are determined by our subjective sense of effort rather than the metabolic state of our muscles. How can our internal dialogue affect our achievements as individuals and as a community?

Three Rules for Life

Although we are not often called to articulate them, our most deeply held beliefs about life and the nature of the world can have a profound effect on how we live our lives. We will explore three of these beliefs or rules and how they might guide the way we live our lives.