Rev. Jim Magaw

Prophetic Love and Rage

It has been said that “if you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.” While it’s true that outrage and anger are appropriate, necessary, and even productive emotions, it is also true that something more is needed to nurture and sustain social justice movements. How do we bring both our outrage and our love to this … Continued

God Is Love

One of the most radical statements in the Christian gospels is expressed in three simple words: God is love.  What are the real implications of conceptualizing God not as some distant all-powerful being but rather as something familiar and down-to-earth that manifests itself in countless life-sustaining, life-affirming ways?

Life and Legacy of Bayard Rustin

Until recently, Bayard Rustin was one of the lesser-known leaders of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. What can we learn from the life and work of Rustin, a gay Black man who was, in many ways, ahead of his time? And how might his example inspire all of us to carry … Continued

Frozen and Liberating Love

The Frozen animated children’s film franchise explores the shadow side of the hero’s journey and collective identity. What are the implications of these themes for our own lives and our own culture? And how can courageous love lead to liberation, both for individuals and for society as a whole?

Christmas Eve

These services will feature music, reflections, and readings celebrating Christmas. Our nativity reenactment and Christmas Eve candle lighting ritual will take place at both services.

Longest Night: Music of Leonard Cohen

Rev. Jim Magaw. The holidays are not always as cheerful as we might pretend. In fact, this time of year often brings painful memories and a profound sense of loss. This special vesper service, featuring the music of Leonard Cohen, is for anyone who is struggling during this holiday season (or anyone who loves the … Continued

Music of the Season

This service will be comprised of holiday­-themed music from various Sunnyhill members and friends, including the choir and other individuals and groups of all ages and many different styles. Come celebrate music and the season!  


Religious freedom and political resistance are major themes in the story of Hanukkah and the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire. In this service we will explore how and why these themes are just as relevant now as they have ever been.

Into the Mystery

While we might like to think that everything that happens is somehow logical and understandable, the truth is that all of existence is shrouded in mystery. Carl Sagan said, “The universe will always be much richer than our ability to understand it.” How do we lean into, and learn from, a sense of the mystery … Continued

Prayer of Thanksgiving

The great Christian mystic famously said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” Of the various kinds of prayers, prayers of thanksgiving might be the most powerful. How do we practice giving thanks, even in challenging times?