Rev. Jim Magaw

Trusting the Call

In our current era, it is easy to lose our way amidst the sometimes overwhelming and painful chaos and confusion in our world. It is important in times like these to remember what we are called to do and the place where the world’s needs and our passions intersect.

What is Unitarian Universalism?

Unitarian Universalism is sometimes wrongly described as not having its own theology. Although it’s true that there is a great deal of theological diversity within our congregations, we do have our own unique theology—both historically and contemporarily. This service will provide an overview of Unitarian Universalist theology and why it is important to us and … Continued

The Flaming Chalice

The image of a flaming chalice, which has its roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition, has been the primary symbol of Unitarianism since the 1940’s. This service will explore the meaning and history of this symbol, especially as it relates to the larger mission of Unitarian Universalism in the world.

Three Rules to Live By

Although there are countless rules to live by that have been devised over many centuries, this sermon will focus on three rules put forth by musicians Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson. These particular rules have to do with being fearless, discerning and kind.

Good Enough

Although there is certainly a place and time for striving and ambition, sometimes our quest for perfection and winning keeps us from living satisfying lives that are “good enough.” How can we embrace the good-enough lifestyle?

The Journey Toward Forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of the greatest challenges and most enduring themes of human existence. One way of conceptualizing forgiveness is as a continuum rather than a destination. How can this idea help us be forgiven and forgiving?

Curiosity and Wonder

Curiosity and wonder can be much-needed antidotes to feeling overwhelmed and stuck. Instead of remaining mired in frustration and anger, how might we cultivate a sense of curiosity and a sense of wonder?

Church & All That Jazz

The way we “do church” is different in a larger congregation than it is in a small congregation. This service—which will feature a jazz ensemble—will focus on both the challenges and opportunities of being a church that is growing. Annual Meeting will follow service.

Practice Resurrection

The cycle of the natural world is one of death and resurrection. Everywhere we turn we can see death and rebirth, especially during this time of year. How can we become practitioners of resurrection in our personal lives and in our world?

Passover Journeys

What does it mean to leave everything behind and unexpectedly set out on a journey toward some unknown promised land? How do our own individual journeys relate to the stories of Passover?