Rev. Jim Magaw

How Trees Grow in Rocks

What lessons about resilience can we learn from trees and shrubs that grow and thrive in even the most difficult circumstances? And how can we learn to have a symbiotic rather than hostile relationship with our own challenging circumstances?

Grace & Grit

Although we often take what we have for granted, it’s relatively easy to be grateful when things are going our way. How do we go about living a grace-filled and grateful life even when times are hard? Sometimes grit is just as important as gratitude.

Liberals, Radicals, and MLK

In his own era, Martin Luther King, Jr., was a polarizing figure in American politics and religion. One of the primary tensions that existed both then and now is between mainstream liberalism and a more radical progressivism. What does this tension mean for us as Unitarian Universalists?

Integrity and Oppression

At a recent UU General Assembly, Cornel West challenged us to answer four questions originally posed by W.E.B. DuBois, the first of which was “How Shall Integrity Face Oppression?” Each of us strives to live a life of integrity. How can we be true to ourselves in the face of systemic oppression and injustice?

Theology of ‘Frozen’

The animated film “Frozen” and its sequel raise some interesting theological issues, including individual autonomy versus belonging in community, love and fear, and betrayal and forgiveness, among others. This sermon will explore these themes and how they relate to our own life and times.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services (5 and 7 p.m.)

These services will feature music, reflections, and readings celebrating Christmas. The 5 p.m. service will be inter-generational, featuring many of our children and youth, and the 7 p.m. service will be more contemplative in nature. Both services will include our candle lighting ritual.


Religious freedom and political resistance are major themes in the story of Hanukkah and the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire. In this service we will explore how and why these themes are just as relevant now as they have ever been.

The Longest Night

The holidays are not always as cheerful as we might pretend. In fact, this time of year often brings painful memories and a profound sense of loss. This special service is for anyone who is struggling during this holiday season. Nursery care and children’s activities will be provided.

Music of the Season

This service will be comprised of holiday­-themed music from various Sunnyhill members and friends, including the choir, children’s choir, and other individuals and groups of all ages and many different styles. Come celebrate music and the season!

Pregnant Questioning

In our hyper-busy lives, we rarely take the time simply to listen, wait, and seek in silence. Letting go of our cherished explanations and certainties can allow space for deep discernment through a process of experiencing awe and expectant questioning