Rev. Jim Magaw

Solidarity: The Story of Ruth

The biblical story of Ruth offers a compelling example of true solidarity and what it means to be committed to being on the side of others who come from backgrounds different from our own but with whom our ultimate destiny is intertwined. This service will examine the meaning of this story for us today.

Grief and Healing

For different reasons, and to varying extents, all of us are grieving because of the pandemic and the toll it has taken on our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Making space for this grief is an important part of the healing process that must take place at some point. How do we … Continued

The Gospel of Star Wars

The Star Wars film and television franchise is one of the most successful in entertainment history. What makes these films so popular and what are the underlying messages about life and living that are relevant to us today? And what the heck is the Force, anyway?

Here and Queer

Sunnyhill is a “Welcoming Congregation”—meaning, we have gone through the process of attaining and renewing our status with the UUA as a congregation that is welcoming to all, especially LGBTQIA+ people. But what more can we do to be more fully inclusive and fully committed to working for the liberation of all?

Green is Good

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the celebration of the first Earth Day. How is our environmental situation different now than it was then, and what is our best way forward to work for environmental justice?

Rise Together, Apart

One of the central messages of Easter is re-birth, rising even from death itself to transform into something new. In a time of quarantine, death and disease, what does it mean to rise together? And how can we re-imagine and re-experience hope and new life in the midst of despair and suffering?

Why Are We Here?

For thousands of years, people have come together to form religious communities of various sorts. Why do we gather together in this way? What is it that can be accomplished in religious community that can’t be accomplished any other way? This sermon will explore these questions and others having to do with that which binds … Continued

Justice and the Pandemic

There are a great many social justice implications to the current pandemic, and, unsurprisingly, the people most affected are those who are already oppressed and marginalized. During this time of social distancing, how can we continue to work together for justice for all? This service will be streamed online via Facebook and can be found … Continued

Surviving Isolation

The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus presents us with a number of challenges, including learning how to survive extended periods of isolation without going batty. This sermon will explore practices and alternative ways of connecting that might help all of us survive or even thrive during this stressful time.

Plague and Panic

The current coronavirus outbreak poses a number of challenges, including how to stay safe while still staying connected with one another and not panicking. What do various responses to the emerging pandemic say about us as individuals and as members of larger communities? This Service will be ONLINE ONLY. More information here.