Rev. Jim Magaw

UU 101: Our History and Our Future

This service will provide an overview of the historic roots and history of Unitarian Universalism and will place our movement in the larger American religious landscape of the 21st century. It will be a good service for people who might be new to UUism and will provide a useful review for others.

Letting Go of 2020

This service will feature a look back at both the challenging and encouraging aspects of this year. We’ll include some highlights from this year’s services as well as a “burning ritual” for letting go of everything we want to let go of from 2020.

Christmas Eve

This service will feature music, reflections, and readings celebrating Christmas, as well as our Christmas Eve candle lighting ritual.

Songs and Stories of the Season

This service will be comprised of holiday­-themed stories as well as music from various Sunnyhill members and friends, including the choir and others. Join us to celebrate music and the season!  


Why is the ritual of lighting a candle or lamp (or chalice) so powerful? What does this simple act accomplish, and how does it connect us with others? What does it signify for us? We will explore these questions by means of several stories from the Jewish tradition in preparation for Hanukkah, which begins later … Continued

Stillness and the Season

Advent, the season leading up to Christmas, is meant to be a time of quiet expectancy, a time to contemplate mystery and possibility, a time to slow down, a time to make room in our lives for something new to enter and to change us. How do we make room for this spirit of stillness … Continued

Addiction and Healing

Addiction and abuse have been on the rise in recent months as everyone in our country struggles with the pandemic and political and social pressures. In many ways, we are a nation of addicts. Are healing and recovery possible for us as individuals and as a society? If so, what is the way forward?

Transgender Day of Remembrance

This holiday was founded in 2009 to celebrate transgender people and raise awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. In this service we will examine what we can do to work for justice for transgender people while becoming a more fully inclusive and welcoming congregation.

What Now? Life After the Election

Now that the election is over, what’s next? Even if all the votes have been counted, we’ll still be living through a time of uncertainty and anxiety. What is most important for us to focus on? How do we stay centered in times like these?

All Souls Day

In the Christian tradition, All Souls Day has been a time to remember everyone who has died, everyone who has been part of the gathered community. The phrase “All Souls” has a particularly Unitarian connotation because of something that one of our own “saints,” William Ellery Channing, said: “I am a living member of the … Continued