Rev. Jim Magaw

Transgender Day of Remembrance

This holiday was founded in 2009 to celebrate transgender people and raise awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide. In this service we will examine what we can do to work for justice for transgender people while becoming a more fully inclusive and welcoming congregation.

What Now? Life After the Election

Now that the election is over, what’s next? Even if all the votes have been counted, we’ll still be living through a time of uncertainty and anxiety. What is most important for us to focus on? How do we stay centered in times like these?

All Souls Day

In the Christian tradition, All Souls Day has been a time to remember everyone who has died, everyone who has been part of the gathered community. The phrase “All Souls” has a particularly Unitarian connotation because of something that one of our own “saints,” William Ellery Channing, said: “I am a living member of the … Continued

Community of the Open Heart

Opening our minds to new ideas and opening our doors to diversity are often extolled as paramount virtues in a liberal religious community. But what might we gain by practicing opening our hearts together, and how do we go about such a task?

Disability Rights: Community, Justice, Equity

Although it has not garnered as much media attention as other civil rights efforts, the disability rights movement is just as important if we are fully committed to justice and equal opportunities for everyone in our community and in our nation. What can we do to help this movement press ahead?

Can Anyone’s Mind Be Changed?

In our current era of deeply entrenched opinions and political views, is it possible to change anyone’s mind? How can we go about changing hearts and minds in our mission to build a more just and compassionate community?

RBG: Life and Legacy

In this service, we will celebrate the life and legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, recently deceased supreme court justice and feminist icon whose work helped advance the cause of real equity and inclusion. We’ll examine how Ginsburg’s legacy is tied to the concept of radical welcome, which is at the heart of the Jewish festival … Continued

Renewing (and Complexifying) Our Faith

In a time when organized religion is either transforming or dying, each faith tradition—including Unitarian Universalism—must engage in a process of re-defining and renewing our faith and including the complexities of multiple perspectives, especially those perspectives that have often been ignored or overlooked.

Renewed and Exhausted

Under normal circumstances, summer is a time of relaxation and renewal for most people so we can start the new school year and church year feeling at least somewhat refreshed. However, amid the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic and the upcoming election (among other things), is it possible to feel simultaneously renewed and exhausted? … Continued

Stories and Songs of Labor

In celebration of Labor Day weekend, we’ll be singing songs about work and about the American labor movement as we reflect on the meaning and nature of work. In what ways have working conditions improved and in what ways have things started to regress? And what can be done to improve work for all?