Rev. Jim Magaw

Wisdom for Our Times

In an era of uncertainty, disease, and social, political and economic volatility, it is good to remember some of the enduring wisdom that has helped inspire and sustain humankind. This service will look at several wisdom stories and what they might mean for us today. Service will be streamed online and the church will be … Continued

Religious Freedom

The recent hostage-taking situation at a synagogue in Texas illustrates some of the current challenges certain religious groups face in our country. Although our nation was founded on the principle of religious freedom, the reality has been less than free for many. Service will be streamed online and the church will be open for limited … Continued

Abolition Then and Now

Our Unitarian and Universalist forbears were among the leaders of the abolitionist movement of the 19th century, though many were reluctant to get on board. What would it be like to be in the forefront of the abolitionist movements of the 21st century? Service will be streamed online and the church will be open for … Continued

The Purpose of Life

In a world that often seems chaotic and sometimes pointless, is there any greater purpose to be found? If so, what might it be and how do we go about finding it for ourselves and our communities? Service will be streamed online and the church will be open for limited capacity with RSVP’s.

Road to Hell or Fresh Start?

Making New Year’s resolutions can be a double-edged sword. While stating one’s intentions is often a good thing, it’s also been said that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” How can we make the best use of our intentions for ourselves and our world? Service will be streamed online and the church … Continued

Remembering and Letting Go of 2021

This service will feature a look back at both the challenging and encouraging aspects of this year. We’ll include some highlights from this year’s services as well as a “burning ritual” for letting go of everything we want to let go of from 2021.

Christmas Eve Contemplative Service

This service will feature music, reflections, and readings celebrating Christmas. The 5:00 service will be inter-generational, featuring many of our children and youth, and the 7:00 service will be more contemplative in nature.

Christmas Eve Intergenerational Service

This service will feature music, reflections, and readings celebrating Christmas. The 5:00 service will be inter-generational, featuring many of our children and youth, and the 7:00 service will be more contemplative in nature.

Longest Night

This special “Longest Night” vesper service, featuring the music of Leonard Cohen, is designed for anyone who is struggling or not feeling particularly cheerful during this holiday season. We will create and hold space for our individual and collective grief and longing.

Music of the Season

This service will include holiday­-themed music from various Sunnyhill members and friends, including the choir  and other individuals and groups in many different styles. Join us in celebrating music and the season!