Sunnyhill Criminal Justice Team Covenant

Our team is committed to the following:

  1. To learn how the Allegheny County criminal justice system and related social services work — and do not work — and why — so that we can identify opportunities for improvements.
  2. To focus our efforts on one improvement goal at a time, accomplishing at least one activity with measurable impact each quarter.
  3. To share what we have learned with Sunnyhill and the community, raising awareness about local criminal justice system challenges/opportunities and our team’s priorities. To build support.

Contact for information and how to get involved!

Sunnyhiller John watching a video screen of a Jail Oversight Board meeting. Sunnyhiller Fran raising money and awareness for the Bukit Bail Fund.

To learn more about this issue, watch this presentation: MAN-E; Community Care and Resistance in Pittsburgh