Samhain Ritual, 6 p.m., First Church, Shadyside

The Spiritways Leadership Team cordially invites you to our Samhain ritual Sun., Oct. 30 at 6 p.m. at First Unitarian Church in Shadyside.

Samhain, one of the four main seasonal festivals of the ancient Gaelic calendar, marks the end of the harvest season and the start of the dark half of the year moving into winter. It is typically celebrated around October 31, about midway between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice. Samhain is a liminal time when the boundaries between the worlds are thought to be at their thinnest. The dead are traditionally remembered and honored, as their souls were said to revisit their former homes seeking hospitality.

Join Spiritways CUUPs as we celebrate Samhain! Our ritual this year will be led by the leadership team. Participants are encouraged to bring a memento to place on the altar as we remember and honor our beloved dead. Please dress in black. As always, contributions for cakes and ale are welcome.

Due to the powerful quality of rituals, children 12 and older only please, unless otherwise noted. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Suggestions for Samhain:

  • Wear black or dark colors
  • Bring Mementos of your beloved dead/ancestors for the ancestor altar
  • Bring food for sharing at cakes and ale
  • Bring your sweet self by 6 p.m.!



  • This ritual takes place at 1st UU in Shadyside – This is location change is due to Renovations at Sunnyhill.
  • First UU is located at 605 Morewood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
  • Enter through the handicap accessible entrance on the Morewood side of the building, due to construction.
  • This ritual starts promptly at 6 p.m.



Spiritways Leadership: Dianna, Juniper, Julie, and Autumn
Spiritways CUUPs
Pittsburgh, PA


Due to the powerful quality of rituals, children 12 and older only please, unless otherwise noted. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.