
Why An 8th Principle: The The(y)ology of the Platinum Rule

Unitarian Universalism has a long and complicated history working on anti-racism.  In recent years, the 8th Principle has called congregations to not only proclaim countering oppression- particularly anti-racism- as a value, but to embody it in every aspect of the work we do.  What does it mean to choose this work and what kind of … Continued

The Book of Esther

The Jewish holiday of Purim is centered around the Book of Esther. How does this story of heroism in the face of vulnerability relate to our own time? What can we learn about Esther that might help us face our own personal and collective challenges?

Love Beyond Belief

As UUs, we honor any and all beliefs that respect the inherent worth of every individual while recognizing that we are in an interdependent relationship with one another and with the earth. But beneath and beyond any and all beliefs there is a more important commitment to a love that transcends belief.

Principles and Values

Unitarian Universalism is a religious tradition that emphasizes “deeds, not creeds.” Despite being non-creedal, we have depended on statements like our seven principles to describe who we are and what values are commonly shared among us. How might these articulations of principles and values be changing soon?

A Puritan Valentine

The Unitarian side of our UU heritage can be traced back to the Puritans–perhaps one of the most illiberal and intolerant religious groups in history. How do we reconcile our current commitments to liberation with this narrow-minded strain of our religious DNA?

Six Words for Love

The ancient Greeks used six different words for love, while contemporary English has only one. What are the differences among these various conceptions of love, and why is it important for us to understand and practice them today?

Groundhog Day

Groundhogs hibernate during winter and emerge in the spring. What occurs during these months of hibernation and why is it important? As human beings, how do the little choices we make–even during times when things are hardly moving–have an impact on our lives and our world?

Guardians of Being

What is it that many of us find so fascinating about animals, especially our pets? This sermon will explore the lessons that we can learn from animals who seem to live in a state of pure being, without the filters of thinking or judgment. How can recognizing this essence in others help us to be … Continued

Freedom and Liberation

MLK famously said: “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” What King was describing was the idea of collective liberation. How might we implement this idea in our own time?

Does the Bible Matter?

A reflection on why it is important for religious liberals to study the Bible. Hint: it’s not just to have fodder to use against the fundamentalists. It has to do with being both rooted and open. Aware of where we come from, with the willingness to be transformed by what we find in what might … Continued