
What Comes After Your Ellipses?

Have you ever considered what comes after the words we use to describe ourselves? When we say we are mothers, fathers, siblings, and whatever other words we use, does it end there with a period, signifying that we are only our labels? Or do those descriptive sentences end with ellipses… those three dots that indicate … Continued

Blues Theology

Some of the best music you will ever hear has emerged from a place of persecution and oppression, and, rather than dwelling in hopelessness and despair, has proclaimed through its very existence and through its great beauty that there is something more.  This service will explore theology as a genre of the blues. (Our designated … Continued

Decoration Day

The true origins of Memorial Day are rarely discussed, but the holiday began in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War when African Americans, newly freed from chattel slavery, conducted a series of commemorations to express their sense of the meaning of the war. This service will explore the deep roots of Memorial Day and … Continued

Alone Together

According to a recent study, we check our cell phones an average of 221 times each day. How has our relationship with technology changed our relationship with one another? Do we really feel more connected with each other than we did years ago, or are we growing increasingly lonely despite being so thoroughly connected electronically? … Continued

Ritual, Religion, and Belief

Participating in rituals—religious and other rituals—seems to be a deep and meaningful part of being human. Humans of every era and geographical location have developed rituals which serve any number of purposes. This service will explore why rituals are so important and what they mean to us in our current era.

Coming of Age

Credo is a Latin word which is generally translated as “I believe,” but its literal meaning is closer to “what I set my heart to.” Sunnyhill’s Coming of Age (COA) class (8th-grade youth) will share what is close to their hearts in this service, which is a capstone of the COA curriculum.

Exposing and Dismantling Supremacy

UUA President Peter Morales recently resigned amid a controversy about UUA hiring practices with regard to race. If we are to have any hope of addressing and undoing racism and other systemic oppressions, we must start at home—in our personal attitudes and behaviors, in our families, in our congregations, and in our larger association. This … Continued

Teaching Each Other to be Human

This sermon will explore the ideas of influential Unitarian theologian James Luther Adams, who spent time in 1930s Germany when fascism was on the rise. At a time in which we’re seeing a frightening resurgence of right-wing movements around the world, Adams’ work couldn’t be more relevant. This Sunday, we’ll explore such questions as: What … Continued

Easter Sunday: Resurrection and Spirit

One of the great challenges of our current era is to see dark times not as indicative of an ever-downward spiral, but as a time for regeneration and rebirth. Why is this shift in thinking important, and how do we go about making it so that we are working to make the world whole rather … Continued

Why Superstition Works

Even those of us who consider ourselves not at all superstitious tend to hold onto certain superstitious beliefs, practices or habits. Many athletes go through elaborate rituals before competing, and, surprisingly, research shows that superstitions can actually be linked with improved performance. This sermon will explore why this phenomenon occurs and what it might mean … Continued