
We Will Get There

In the words of the Ghanaian song “Woyaya,” “We will get there. Heaven knows how we will get there. We know we will.” This sermon explores how to navigate a journey when you don’t know all the twists and turns of path or even what the destination might look like.

UU Elevator Speeches

Because it is a creedless tradition that encompasses many different ways of believing, Unitarian Universalism is not easy to explain in just a few sentences. This sermon explores how we might articulate a UU “elevator speech”–a personal description of what UUism means to you that can be shared in the time it takes for an … Continued

Delight, Connection, and Peace: Gifts of the Forest

Barb completed the sermon writing class taught by Rev. Jim Magaw this spring. Delight, connection with ourselves and other beings, and peace can seem elusive in troubled times. Yet all are freely offered to us when we slow down and notice the gifts of the forest.

What is the Issue? Social Justice

Rick completed the sermon writing class taught by Rev. Jim Magaw this spring. In his sermon, Rick reflects on the concept of social justice, what it means, and how it might best be approached if we are to be successful in our social justice efforts.

Reasons Not to Give Up

While there are many reasons to feel hopeless and despairing right now, there are also many reasons not to give up. What are the things that can help us keep the light shining even during the darkest of nights?

Gentle Transformation

Jeanne Lofgren completed the sermon writing class taught by Rev. Jim Magaw this spring. Her sermon explores Jeanne’s personal spiritual practices and the ways in which similar practices might benefit everyone.

Hope, Forgiveness, and Joy

Johna Gravitt completed the sermon writing class taught by Rev. Jim Magaw this spring. In her sermon, Johna reflects on lessons that her life has taught her about how to live with hope, forgiving oneself and others, and ultimately finding joy.

Free Hugs–or Not

Sometimes a hug is exactly what you need. Hugs release oxytocin and lower blood pressure.  And hugs can often defuse tense situations. But hugs can also be awkward and problematic. This service will explore the science and theology of hugging.

Flower Celebration

Dorothy Kohler completed the sermon writing class taught by Rev. Jim Magaw this spring. Her sermon will feature a reflection about Dorothy’s grandmother and a personal connection to the “Flower Celebration,” a tradition started by Norbert Capek in Prague just over 100 years ago. Everyone, please bring a cut flower or flowers with you this … Continued

Face to Face with the Circle of Life

Mary Jo Sonntag completed the sermon writing class taught by Rev. Jim Magaw this spring. Her sermon reflects on the lessons about interdependence that Mary Jo learned on a trip to the Serengeti ecosystem, where she witnessed first-hand both the beauty and the brutality of the natural world.