
Are Physical Limits in Our Head?

As athletes continue to break previously unbreakable records, some physiologists argue that our physical limits are determined by our subjective sense of effort rather than the metabolic state of our muscles. How can our internal dialogue affect our achievements as individuals and as a community?

Three Rules for Life

Although we are not often called to articulate them, our most deeply held beliefs about life and the nature of the world can have a profound effect on how we live our lives. We will explore three of these beliefs or rules and how they might guide the way we live our lives.

Rise Up

One of the central themes of Easter is the ultimate triumph of life over death. Even when everything around us seems cloaked in darkness, the potential of resurrection of various kinds still exists for us as individuals and for us as a society. How do we prepare to “rise up” when the time comes?

Faithful Over a Few Things

Blind faith? Leap of faith? Free faith? How does the word “faith” strike you? For some, it is an uncomfortable vestige of a rigid religious past. For others, it remains a positive, re-imagined resource for moving through the joys and sorrows of life. What does it mean to be “faithful?”—not to everything or to what … Continued

Strength in Vulnerability

If we have any hope of becoming resilient as individuals or as a culture or community, we must learn how to deal with our inherent vulnerability and the inevitability of failure. How do we go about this process so that we are able to act courageously rather than becoming stuck and overwhelmed?

Resilience: Turning from Negative to Positive

A positive attitude is something that can be cultivated and can make a big difference in becoming more resilient, both on the individual and community levels. How do we make this switch without becoming Pollyanna-like or irrelevant and in denial of reality? This Sunday, our offering will benefit PIIN (Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network), our primary … Continued

March for Our Lives

The recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida, has led to a renewed anti-gun violence movement in this country. Unlike other such movements in the past, this particular effort is being led by youth. How can we help this movement succeed? (Our designated offering this week will help support Sunnyhill’s participation in the March for Our … Continued

Living All Along the Way

This service is about loss—how it makes us feel and how we cope with it. Sue Richmond is a long-time member of Sunnyhill and commissioned lay leader who is presenting this service as a service auction item purchased by Judy and John Armstrong.

Resistance and Revolution

As a number of writers have recently noted, resistance in and of itself may not be enough. Our own Declaration of Independence notes that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.” When and … Continued

Love and Resistance

Resistance to corrupt political systems is an important part of our identity as Americans and as religious liberals. But that resistance is only effective and sustainable if it is rooted in something bigger. What does Big Love have to do with resistance in our current moral and political climate?