
All Souls Day

In the Christian tradition, All Souls Day has been a time to remember everyone who has died, everyone who has been part of the gathered community. The phrase “All Souls” has a particularly Unitarian connotation because of something that one of our own “saints,” William Ellery Channing, “I am a living member of the great … Continued

Consecration Service

As part of our building dedication weekend, we will consecrate our new sanctuary and consider: What does it mean to make a space sacred? How will we choose to bless this place? And how will we bless the world through this space? In keeping with this theme, Rev. Dr. Lee Barker, President of Meadville Lombard … Continued

Welcoming Congregation Celebration

Last year our congregation renewed our status as a “Welcoming Congregation” with the Unitarian Universalist Association. We are grateful for the work of many in our congregation who engaged in this process. How do we continue to live into our status as a welcoming congregation? Interweave will assist with this service.  

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice

For decades, many institutions and organizations—including the church—have emphasized diversity and inclusion as important values. We often talk of celebrating diversity and striving to be more inclusive. But are diversity and inclusion enough? This sermon will explore how an emphasis on diversity and inclusion may sometimes keep us from working for real justice and equity.

Love the Stranger

What does it mean to “love the stranger”–a concept that is present in a number of different religious traditions? Do we really have to love people we don’t even know or with whom we might not have anything in common? How do set about such a task? Designated Offering: American Red Cross of Southwestern Pennsylvania serves Allegheny, Greene, … Continued

First Ask Why

Any time we start a new undertaking–or even a new cycle or phase of our life–it is good to start by considering why. Why are we doing this? What larger purpose, if any, do our actions serve? Is there an underlying reason what we are doing or are we just going through motions?

Start Where You Are

Each day or even each moment can represent a new beginning if we think of it that way. But, no matter what undertaking we start, we must begin where we are. It doesn’t mean that we’re happy about where we are, but it does imply some measure of acceptance and readiness to begin again.

In the Beginnings

Using the two creations stories from Genesis, this service will focus on how most beginnings are ambiguous. Where did this new thing come from? What, if anything, is its purpose? What do our own institutional creation myths say about us?(After today’s service, we will have an Involvement Fair, featuring the many ways people can become … Continued

Words and Music of Labor

On this Labor Day weekend, we will reflect on the history and the current state of labor in the United States. How did we get to our current situation, and what, if anything, can be done to revive the labor movement. The Worship Team will assist with this service.

Six Words for Love

The ancient Greeks used six different words for love, while contemporary English has only one. What are the differences among these various conceptions of love, and why is it important for us to understand and practice them today?