
I Am Not What I Think

This is a rumination on the social divisiveness we see today, and how social psychology can help us understand the problems we may have in fully embracing the UU first principle. Dennis, a long-time Sunnyhill member, completed the sermon writing class facilitated by Rev. Jim Magaw this past year.

Finding Spirituality in Community

Our spiritual authority is rooted in community, and our individual journeys to finding spirituality within community are unique and many. But how does one begin to seek out their own, personal traditions when the ones handed down from our ancestors don’t necessarily speak to us? Dianna, who has been at Sunnyhill since 2004, completed Rev. … Continued

Living Within the Constraints of Time

One of the primary challenges we face as human beings is the fact that we do not have an unlimited amount of time—there are only 24 hours in each day, and we are alive for only decades at best. How do we deal with this challenge in a positive and life-affirming way?

What is Unitarian Universalism?

Unitarian Universalism is sometimes wrongly described as not having its own theology. Although it’s true that there is a great deal of theological diversity within our congregations, we do have our own unique theology—both historically and contemporarily. This service will provide an overview of Unitarian Universalist theology and why it is important to us and … Continued

Life’s Not Fair

Life’s not fair—everyone has felt this way. Is there a part of our Unitarian Universalist tradition that can help us get through the feelings that go with this thought process? (Julie Ann wrote this sermon as a member of the sermon writing class facilitated by Rev. Jim this year.) 

Finding My Home at Sunnyhill

Martha was a member of this year’s sermon writing class facilitated by Rev. Magaw. In this sermon, Martha will share reflections about her religious journey, from her Methodist upbringing in the South to eventually finding her spiritual home here at Sunnyhill. 

The Gift of Presence

Sometimes the best and greatest present we can give someone else, especially someone who is suffering, is simply our presence—not offering advice or platitudes—but just being there as a listening, caring presence. How do we go about doing this work with one another? 

Form Follows Function

In this service, longtime Sunnyhill member Bob Hedin will explore life lessons he has learned as a result of being involved in the environmental reclamation projects. These lessons have both scientific and philosophical implications.

My Pathway to Unitarian Universalism

Angela was a member of this year’s sermon writing class facilitated by Rev. Magaw. In this sermon, Angela will share some of the life experiences she has had that led her to UUism in hopes of inspiring others who are either newer or longer term UUs.

Meaning, Purpose, and an Indifferent Universe

While a sense of purpose is practically a requirement of being human, there is no irrefutable evidence of purpose existing outside human imagination. What does it mean to be a purposeful creature in a seemingly purposeless universe? (BLUU Offering)