
What Matters Most?

Stewardship Kickoff. One of the biggest challenges we face in this era of constant distraction is how to stay focused on the things that matter most in our lives. What can we do to make sure we are attending to those things that are of ultimate importance?  

Sanctuary: Just and Holy

Sanctuary can be a consecrated space set aside for worship and reverence; it can also be a place of refuge for those who face oppression and injustice. How do we, as a religious community, create space that is both holy and just?    

Sheltering God in the World

A sanctuary is a sacred place—one often used as a safe space for people or animals or plants. What if instead of a place, we ourselves embodied the charge of sanctuary and imagined a practice of sheltering the holy in the world by the way we engage with it?

Toxic Masculinity

The events of the past week or two—including allegations regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the sentencing of Bill Cosby for sexual assault—have once again raised the issue of the harm that is caused by unchecked toxic masculinity in our culture. How did we get to this point and what can we do about … Continued

The Vision of Unitarian Universalism

Unitarianism and Universalism, as they developed in nineteenth-century America, presented particular visions for what the world could be like. What is the current day vision of Unitarian Universalism for our world, and how do we put forth this vision?  

Are We Doomed?

It might be too late to stop or even slow down the global environmental catastrophe that looms in our future. If it really is too late and we are doomed, what difference would it make in how we live our lives?  

The Vision and the Voyage

As we begin a new church year, what is the vision that we have for our church and for our community? How do we hold onto this vision while in the midst of the often rocky voyages of our lives?  

Patriotism and Nationalism

In recent decades, we have seen the rise of a new “religious” nationalism that presents itself in the guise of particular brand of “patriotism.” As members of a religious community, we are guided by values that transcend national interests, so it is important to examine the difference between true patriotism (a noble virtue) and nationalism … Continued

God Is Love

One of the most radical statements in the Christian gospels is expressed in three simple words: God is love. What are the real implications of conceptualizing of God not as some distant all-powerful being but rather as something familiar and down-to-earth that manifests itself in countless life-sustaining, life-affirming ways?  

Healing and Change

One of the most powerful aspects of many contemporary social movements—including #BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo, and the March for Our Lives—is the way in which they are fueled by grief, but transform that grief into action. How do we go about the process of healing through change?