The Prophetic Imperative
We live in an era that screams out for prophets—people who not only expose the evils of society but also offer a vision of hope and healing. How do we embody the prophetic vision and prophetic voice right now, right here?
We live in an era that screams out for prophets—people who not only expose the evils of society but also offer a vision of hope and healing. How do we embody the prophetic vision and prophetic voice right now, right here?
According to recent studies, peoples’ expectations effect the outcomes of challenging situations, like looking for a job, taking a test or having surgery. While positive expectations are associated with positive outcomes, positive fantasies are not. What are our expectations for our church, our lives, and our world?
It’s essential for humans to live in connection with one another in order to survive. How does current society promote or put roadblocks on connectedness? Jean will share thoughts and experiences on the importance of living and thriving together.
In our current era, it is easy to lose our way amidst the sometimes overwhelming and painful chaos and confusion in our world. It is important in times like these to remember what we are called to do and the place where the world’s needs and our passions intersect.
Unitarian Universalism is sometimes wrongly described as not having its own theology. Although it’s true that there is a great deal of theological diversity within our congregations, we do have our own unique theology—both historically and contemporarily. This service will provide an overview of Unitarian Universalist theology and why it is important to us and … Continued
When life presents the opportunity for change we can choose stasis and what we think is predictability, or creative chaos and the risk that life is not always affectionate when we don’t know the road by heart. John’s talk springs from his 50 years of looking for moments that beg for creative navigation through choices … Continued
This sermon explores how recognizing one’s gratitude for privilege can lead to service for economic justice. John will reflect on how he and his wife were transformed by their College of Social Justice experience in Haiti; and he will urge Sunnyhill members to seek that same transformational experience next year in the Appalachian coal fields.
The image of a flaming chalice, which has its roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition, has been the primary symbol of Unitarianism since the 1940’s. This service will explore the meaning and history of this symbol, especially as it relates to the larger mission of Unitarian Universalism in the world.
When is life choosing a path for us and when are we consciously choosing that path? How can we find and listen for the crossroads in life? How can we reset when we pass those crossroads? Michael will explore these themes through personal experiences.
Although there are countless rules to live by that have been devised over many centuries, this sermon will focus on three rules put forth by musicians Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson. These particular rules have to do with being fearless, discerning and kind.