
Gratitude and Longing

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to fully experience gratitude and longing. As David Steindl-Rast said, gratitude is “the inner gesture of giving meaning to our life by receiving life as gift.” And longing enables us to identify those aspects of our lives that might need attention. Both are important.

Attention Please!

One of the greatest challenges in life is paying attention. Sometimes, when things are difficult to experience, we really don’t want to pay attention. Other times, we simply forget. However, when we do pay attention, we’re better able to cope with reality and to appreciate all that is good in our lives and in our … Continued

Won’t Get Fooled Again

The results of the 2016 presidential election and subsequent political and social developments caught a great many people by surprise. As 2020 approaches, how are we as people of faith prepared for the outcome—whatever it might be?

The Great Family of All Souls

In the Christian tradition, All Souls Day has been a time to remember everyone who has died, everyone who has been part of the gathered community. The phrase “All Souls” has a particularly Unitarian connotation because of something that one of our own “saints,” William Ellery Channing, said: “I am a living member of the … Continued

David and Goliath

The Biblical story of David and Goliath, in which a giant is slain with a sling and five smooth stones, provides an apt parable for our own times and suggests tools and methods for challenging systems of oppression. A close examination of this story provides a framework for individual and societal transformation.

Gospel of Queer Eye

The Netflix television series Queer Eye (a reboot of an earlier series) features a team of five gay men who provide a full-life makeover for a different individual in each episode. In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, the show challenges and transforms ideas of what it means to love yourself and love your neighbor. What lessons … Continued

The Power of Belonging

In an era of distrust of virtually all organizations and institutions, what does it mean to belong? How can a sense of belonging strengthen us as individuals and as members of a larger community? In a time and place where people are fleeing from belonging, how might it be counter-cultural to claim membership in certain … Continued


Today’s service focuses on Navratri, a nine-day long festival to celebrate the nine forms of Goddess Durga. This festival represents the victory of good over evil and symbolizes the idea of conquering one’s evils with the goodness of one’s soul.

What Now? What’s Next?

Amidst the current political turmoil, Richard Williams, director of Unitarian Universalist Pennsylvania Legislative Advocacy Network (UUPLAN) will present simple steps to a more just and peaceful world. He will also offer thoughts about the current political climate, the spirituality of hospitality and the spirituality of advocacy.

Not the Life You Expected

Sometimes our expectations are thwarted and we find ourselves in vastly different situations than we had imagined or hoped for. How are we to deal with expectations that do not come to pass or lead us in directions that we had not anticipated or desired?