
F-Words (Faith, Forbearance, etc.)

[This service will take place live on the Sunnyhill grounds and will also be livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.] Faith and forbearance are words that tend not to be used much these days or are used only in very limited and narrow ways. What do these concepts mean to us as Unitarian Universalists, and how … Continued

Reaching Beyond Ourselves

The first of our UU Sources is “direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder . . . which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces that create and uphold life.” Though transcendent experiences often feel unique, they are quite common and tie us inextricably to each other. … Continued

Let America Be America

Langston Hughes wrote a poem with this title in 1935 as a rallying cry for greater inclusion. 86 years later it has lost none of its power in calling for an as-yet unborn America that makes real the dream of justice and liberty for all. How can we help make this dream a reality in … Continued

The Heart Is the Last Frontier

This sermon will be delivered by Sunnyhill member Lynne Heltman, a recent participant in Rev. Magaw’s sermon-writing class. With increasing awareness of structural racism following the reaction to George Floyd’s death a year ago, could it be that posting Black Lives Matter signs isn’t enough? Lynne explores this issue, using her multicultural experience at All … Continued

Disorienting Dilemmas

Rev. McKinley Sims, UU Church of the Restoration, Philadelphia, Pa. Disorienting dilemmas may be thought of as times when new information causes a person to call into question their values, beliefs, or assumptions. What are the disorienting dilemmas of our times and of our lives, and how are we to face them? (This service is … Continued


Being a “welcoming congregation” is not merely an academic exercise or just a nice thing to do. Welcoming our LGBTQIA+ siblings is a life-affirming and potentially life-saving act. In this service we will examine what we can do to work for justice for LGBTQ people while becoming a more fully inclusive and welcoming congregation. [This … Continued

Bridging Service

Rev. Jim Magaw and Director of Religious Education Jennifer McGlothin are joined by members of the Sunnyhill High School Youth Group for our annual Bridging Service. “Bridging” honors and celebrates the transition from youth to adults of our high school seniors. Join us to mark this important time for these students and their families.

Mercy and Moral Injury

The concept of moral injury has been described as “the damage done to one’s conscience or moral compass when that person perpetrates, witnesses, or fails to prevent acts that transgress their own moral and ethical values or codes of conduct.” How are we seeing this concept play out in our world and what can we … Continued

The Story of Your Life

Often the stories of our lives are not told until after our deaths in the form of eulogies and obituaries. What is the story of your life, and why might it be important to embrace and tell the story now rather than later?

Hope, Fear, and Fatigue

A recent newspaper article described a feeling many of us have had in recent months as “languishing,” which seems an apt descriptor. Fatigued by the pandemic, personal challenges, and political uncertainty, where and how do we find hope and joy?