
Rhythms of Life

If we have learned anything in the last year and half, it’s that we never really know what’s coming next, either in the world at large or in our lives as individuals. Whatever our plans might be, life marches on, following the beat of its own drummer. How do we participate in the rhythms of … Continued

F-Words, Part 2: Forbearance

This year we will be examining the concept and practice of covenant from a variety of perspectives. This week’s service will focus on historic Unitarian and Universalist covenants and how they might provide some helpful perspective on our current challenges and how we might live in a covenantal way here and now.

Possibility Under Pressure

Dealing with pandemic-related challenges, political chaos, economic uncertainty, and any number of personal issues, all of us are feeling some degree of stress and pressure. How can we cope with this pressure in such a way that it leaves us open to new possibilities?  Welcome Back! This service will be outside on the Sunnyhill Grounds … Continued

Stories and Songs of Labor

In celebration of Labor Day weekend, we’ll be singing songs about work and about the American labor movement as we reflect on the meaning and nature of work. In what ways have working conditions improved and in what ways have things started to regress? And what can be done to improve work for all?

What Is Unitarian Universalism?

Unitarian Universalism is sometimes wrongly described as not having its own theology. Although it’s true that there is a great deal of theological diversity within our congregations, we do have our own unique theology—both historically and contemporarily. This service will provide an overview of Unitarian Universalist theology and why it is important to us and … Continued

Going for Bronze

There’s something about winning third-place in a race or other competition that feels better than coming in second-place. As might have been noticed during this summer’s Olympics, bronze medal-winners are almost always happier than silver medal-winners. This service will explore this phenomenon as it relates to the concept of grace and how it plays out … Continued

Parenting in the Apocalypse

Parenting is a challenging undertaking even in the best of times, but the pandemic has turned parenting into an even more arduous and impossibly demanding task. What are the lessons learned from the last year for parents and everyone else?  [This service will take place live on the Sunnyhill grounds and will also be livestreamed … Continued

Until Love Wins

Today’s challenging times require a nimble and resilient spirituality. We need a demanding, inspiring faith and a love strong enough that it will not let us go. Join us as we draw the circle wide, gather our strength, and promise to stay in the struggle and joy until love wins. (This pre-recorded service is from … Continued

Hope, Not Hell

250 years ago, John Murray, considered the founder of Universalism in America, extolled preaching “hope, not hell.” What does it mean to lean into hope amid the challenges facing our country today?  [This service will take place live on the Sunnyhill grounds and will also be livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.]

Your Final Gift

Judie Spiegel, a graduate of Rev Jim’s 2020-21 sermon writing class. While dying is one of the only certainties of living, it is a topic most of us avoid. Sharing some of what she has learned in 35 years of hospice work and volunteering, Judie will tell some very personal end-of-life stories and invite you … Continued