

Perhaps the most countercultural religious message ever is this one: “Awaken!” Our culture tends to lead us toward sleepwalking through most of our lives. This sermon will explore how bringing even the tiniest bit of real awareness to this very moment—in all its horror and beauty—can change us and lure us toward changing the world. … Continued

Amazing Grace: 10,000 Years

There are certain songs that resonate deeply, connecting us with generations that preceded us and those that will follow us. How can we benefit from experiencing these vital connections, even when facing difficult truths about both the past and the future? RSVP for the Upcoming Service

Amazing Grace: Dangers, Toils, and Snares

Our current era is certainly characterized by a plethora of dangers, toils, and snares. How can the concept and practice of grace help us meet these challenges and prepare us for an unknown and uncertain future? RSVP for the Upcoming Service

Amazing Grace: The Hour I First Believed

John Newton’s words to “Amazing Grace” tell the story of his great change from a man who traded slaves to a man who fought against slavery. How can belief–and especially sudden changes in belief–guide our actions and transform our lives? RSVP for the Upcoming Service

Amazing Grace: How Sweet the Sound

Author Anne Lamott tells us, “Grace meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us.” In this first of four sermons on the theme of “Amazing Grace,” we will reflect on the meaning and implications of grace as a theological concept and as a way of living. Service will be … Continued

Courage and Improvisation

Jazz legend Miles Davis once famously said: “It’s not the note you play that’s the wrong note – it’s the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong.” Jazz encourages and requires moving forward without entirely knowing where you are going. How might this kind of thinking play out in the rest of … Continued

The Myth of Polarization

Conventional thinking puts forth the idea that our current political situation has been caused by the right going further to the right and the left going further to the left. But a closer look reveals a different truth. Why is it important to push back against calls for centrism for centrism’s sake? Service will be … Continued

Growing Orbits

One powerful metaphor for growth has to do with living our lives in ever-growing orbits–passing over familiar territory again and again but gaining broader insights and perspectives with each orbit. How can we make use of this model for personal and institutional growth and transformation? Service will be streamed online and the church will be … Continued

Widening the Circle from the Margins

Older models of religion were based on assimilation–drawing people on the outside closer to the center. But today, as we grow the circle wider, we’re not necessarily all going to look alike or think alike, which means that our growing edges will always be on the margins. What does this kind of widening of the … Continued

Wisdom for Our Times

In an era of uncertainty, disease, and social, political and economic volatility, it is good to remember some of the enduring wisdom that has helped inspire and sustain humankind. This service will look at several wisdom stories and what they might mean for us today. Service will be streamed online and the church will be … Continued