Membership & Outreach
Membership Committee
This committee welcomes, connects, educates, and invites. Priorities include ensuring that first-time attendees find a helpful greeter to “concierge” their first visit, helping newcomers connect with activities, refreshing the publications rack, working with the church membership outreach coordinator to maintain the database, and offering and publicizing Pathway orientation classes and social events.
Outreach & Promotion
Good communications are essential in an organization as large as UUCSH. Leaders, staff, and members need to understand how to find and share information. This committee provides guidelines for all church communication tools. Social Media: website/facebook; Internal Communications: The Beat!, The Drummer, marketing support (seasonal calendar, promotional items including banners, yard signs, postcards, etc.) and the UUCSH website for visitor acquisition efforts as well as visitor conversion and member retention efforts. The guidelines help members understand how to submit information for publication.