Family Promise (Interfaith Hospitality Network)
As a member of Family Promise, UUCSH works to assist other South Hills churches with care and housing for area homeless families. Our members transport guest families, make and serve hot meals, babysit children and act as church hosts during designated hospitality nights throughout the year.

Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN)
UUCSH is a founding member of PIIN and the Social Justice Committee spearheads the church’s involvement with this valuable partner through public action meetings, government lobbying and congregational organizing. Several members of UUCSH sit on PIIN Task Forces focused on Gun Violence, Immigration, Education, Jobs/Economy and Transit Equity.

South Hills Interfaith Ministries (SHIM)
SHIM is a local resource for struggling South Hills families that includes a food pantry, community garden and afterschool tutoring for refugee children. It assists more than 400 families each month. UUCSH contributes regularly to SHIM food and clothing drives and has held fundraising events to benefit the refugee program.

Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA
Every December, UUCSH sponsors several families in the Washington, PA shelter. Congregants purchase “wish list” items for the women and children, which are donated in time for the holidays. Also, a mitten tree in the sanctuary is decorated with warm winter apparel for children, which is then donated.


UUJusticePA works for all Pennsylvanians to promote fairness and dignity, to protect our environment and resources, and to build a just and accountable government.


In addition to our local partners, we are also connected to these National/Global Organizations.