Interweave is the UU name for a gay-straight alliance group that works to promote understanding, support, and compassion for those who are LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or queer).  Sunnyhill had such a group some years ago, but it faded as some persons left the church and interest waned.  With the excitement over our newly renewed Welcoming Congregation status from the UUA and our incredible new worship facility, there was no better time to re-establish this important group. A small gathering of us have had a few meetings and exchanged lots of e-mails over the past year. The group is now growing, and more LGBTQ folks are already discovering Sunnyhill.

We strive to reach out to potential new members and friends for Sunnyhill by showing them what a warm, wonderful, and accepting place Sunnyhill can be for ALL persons, including the LGBTQ community.  We do this by word of mouth; promotional notices in newsletters, flyers and other publications; contacts at LGBTQ organizations; and attendance at gay community events.  About half of Interweave members are LGBTQ, and the remaining half are supportive allies. We are interested in hearing the voices of people of all gender identifications and from all bakcgrounds.

We have made connections with Persad Center, Equality PA, PFLAG, Proud Haven, and other groups, and are making ourselves known to the other churches in the UUPittsburgh Cluster. Interweave is proud to serve as a meaningful component of the wonderful Sunnyhill community.

For more information, contact Ron at or see him at Sunnyhill!