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Join Plastic Free July® Take the Pledge to Refuse Single-Use Plastic Drink Bottles.

  • Visit the Green Sanctuary Table before, after the service on June 30
  • Sign a Pledge Card
  • Enter a Raffle for a prize.
  • Pledge Cards and Raffle Tickets will be available during July in Fellowship Hall.
  • Bring Your Own Reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic ones. Refill your bottle at Sunnyhill’s Refill station


Plastic Free July®, is a global movement to reduce plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.

The Impact, Reusable water bottles reduce our intake of microplastics, protect our wildlife from the dangers of plastic water bottles and caps. Plastic beverage bottles, bottle caps are in the top five items collected globally through beach cleanups.

Resources about the plastic problem and how to further decrease your plastic use at:



Previous Events

Sunnyhill Frackland Tour

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 8:30 AM-2 PM (arrive at the meeting site at 8:30 for coffee, tea and pastries)

Join members of Sunnyhill to visit sites in Washington County, the most heavily fracked county in PA. We will also hear personal stories from people who have been impacted by fracking.

Meet at:

1578 National Pike East
Scenery Hill, PA 15360

This location is about 40 minutes south of Sunnyhill. No-cost van transportation is provided for the tour. We will meet at the home of our tour guide, Lois Bower-Bjornson & Clean Air Council. After refreshments and a short presentation, we will start the tour.  To sign up for tour, contact Sue McCarthy at 412-951-1124 or suemac1128@aol.com


Marianna Township Air Monitoring with PA Environmental Health Project

Important Dates and the Timeline:

  1. 1.  Air Monitoring and Health Assessment Training

RSVP for one of these training dates to Susan McCarthy, 412-951-1124 or suemac1128@aol.com, no later than Sunday, October 27.  Training to be provided by EHP staff.

Ø  Wednesday, October 30, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, 56 Sunnyhill Drive, home of Deb Larson, EHP


Ø  Sunday, Nov 3, 11:15 am to 12:30 pm, at Sunnyhill ( if you can, this one is preferred)


  1. 2. Complete the On-Line Protecting Human Subjects On-Line Course

Go to https://phrptraining.com/#!/, cost is $39.99.  EHP would like us to take this course because we are involved in collecting health information.  As a nurse, I found the course to be very interesting and enlightening as to what is involved to make sure we respect and protect a person’s privacy and safety.  It takes 3 hours to complete, but can be saved and completed at more than one sitting.  It includes 4 quizzes.  If you need help with this or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Susan McCarthy.

  1. 3. Meet Marianna Residents in their Homes, Set Up Air Monitors, Obtain Informed Consent

We will start this during the weeks of Nov 4 and Nov 11.  We will do this in pairs or teams.  We will collect the air monitors after they are in place for 32 days.  More details on how this will work to be provided at the trainings.


Virtual Frackland Tour-Sunday November 10 at Sunnyhill

Stop by the sanctuary after the Sunday service for a virtual tour/video of well pads and other sites in Washington County relating to our efforts with our environmental justice partners. Heaven Sensky of Center for Coalfield Justice will be presenting.


Bus Trip to Harrisburg-Monday November 18

Travel with our justice partners and families impacted by the shale gas industry to Harrisburg for a press conference and legislator visits. More details to come, but mark your calendar now! For questions or to sign up, contact Ann Price at atrondle@mac.com.