Service Auction March 17!

Date(s) - Mar 17, 2018
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm



A one-page sheet of “The Basics”: click here.

Directions for logging in to the dedicated Service Auction website: click here.

RSVP: click here.

Donation ideas: click here.

Basket ideas: click here.


Hello Sunnyhill!

Sunnyhill’s biggest fun-raiser (and we do mean FUN-raiser) of the year is slated for St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2018. This festive evening features a variety of events: raffle items, a silent auction, a live auction, music, and the fantastic food made by Sunnyhill Chef Will Page and his amazing kitchen crew. (Think he’ll try a spin on green eggs and Irish ham?)

Funds are raised as guests bid on donated goods and services. Consider your own hobbies or your profession–is there an item or service you can donate? Can you donate knitted, sewn, or quilted items? Can you donate legal, accounting, or other business services? Can you donate babysitting, gift-wrapping, or home baked scones, breads, or cookies? Can you donate carpentry, home repair, housecleaning, tech support, or gardening services? Can you perform magic or music (or both!) at a party? Or, grab a friend or two and donate a social event: themed dinners, beer exchanges, weenie roasts, picnics, etc. Do you have tickets to music, theater, or sporting events to donate?

Work on the Service Auction is all systems go and full steam ahead, and there will be plenty to do! Helping out is a great way to meet Sunnyhillers and to learn new things. If you’d like to be part of the exciting and fun group of folks who make this wonderful event happen, email us at

Everyone has a talent we can use, from decorating to selling raffle tickets. In the meantime, save the date!

–Elizabeth Mortimer, Nanette Miller, and Margaret Hamstead