Election Night: Comfort Food and Company

Date(s) - Nov 05, 2024
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills


Election Night Comfort Food and Company Graphic with "I Voted" Stickers

Feeling anxious about election night? You’re not alone! Join us on Tuesday, November 5 for some fun, engaging activities, a potluck supper (think cozy, comfort food) and a Vesper Service to help ease the tension. Let’s gather together, share delicious food, and take a break from the stress while staying connected with our community.

5-6pm Family-friendly activities
6-7pm  Potluck Supper (Please RSVP)
7-8pm Interfaith Vesper Service
8-9:30 Games, Art, Election Viewing, Quiet Contemplation