Date(s) - Jan 07, 2019 - Jan 20, 2019
12:00 am
Categories No Categories
2019 Dinners will be held on these Saturdays: Jan. 26, Feb. 23, March 23, and April 20
Please sign up ASAP so hosts have lots of time to plan!
Eight at Eight dinners have been a fun activity at Sunnyhill for years. The dinners took some time off, but they are back for 2019!
The dinners are a way for Sunnyhillers to get to know each other by sharing a meal in one another’s homes. There is no theme other than enjoying good food and good conversation.
There are two ways to sign up:
- ONGOING PARTICIPANT. As an ongoing participant, you will sign up for all four dinners. You will host one dinner and be a guest at the remaining three dinners.
- SUBSTITUTE. If you’re schedule is pretty hectic right now, but you would like to know if a spot opens up at a dinner, please sign up as a substitute.
For more details about the dinners, click here for a PDF to download or print.
If you are ready to sign up, either as an ONGOING PARTICIPANT or a SUBSTITUTE, click here to visit Sign-Up Genius.
Please direct any questions to Lorraine or Ralph Carabetta at loralf@comcast, 412-831-3258 (home), or 412-722-2532 (cell).