
Please send an email to

A member of the Leadership Team will respond.

As of October 1, 2024:

  • Total households with completed pledges: 89

  • Total amount pledged: $1,553,500

  • Goal: $4.4 million


Number of Pledges by Dollar Range

As of August 28, 2024, the breakdown of number of pledges by dollar range is shown below. As pledges are made, this chart is revised to help the Be the Future team—and Sunnyhill members—better understand where we are and what we need to do to achieve our pledge goal of $4.4 million. We will update this chart periodically.

Ready to pledge?

  • Online Pledge Form

  • Paper forms are available at the Be the Future table in Fellowship Hall.


What Sunnyhillers have to say about Sunnyhill! Watch Now!

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Be the Future Leadership Team                               

  • Ed Johnston, Co-chair
  • Roxy MtJoy, Co-chair
  • Rachael Beam, Board President
  • Jean Enright
  • Rev. Jim Magaw
  • Dennis Sweeney
  • Bethany Thornton, Membership Director

September 4 Letter from the Board

Read the letter to the congregation from board President Rachael Beam.

Why and Why Now?

This printable introduction can help with your questions about the Be the Future capital campaign.

FAQs: Printed weekly in the Beat 

October 2, 2024

Q: Does it matter if I pledge now or wait until the end of the year?

A: For planning purposes, this matters a great deal. Ideally, all pledges should be made by Oct. 20. Once a bulk of pledges have been made, the planning process can begin with input from the congregation. A congregational vote will be needed before we begin talking with external professionals, such as architects and builders. A few members have approached us with special circumstances that do not allow them to make a pledge until the end of 2024 or early 2025. If you have special circumstances delaying your pledge, please send an email to to reach a committee member. Knowing your intention to pledge and the amount will help with planning.

Q: Do I begin paying my pledge as soon as I make it?

A: No, you do not have to begin making payments on your pledge right away. Some members have chosen to pay their pledge now, but that is not necessary. Payment plans are flexible: you can pay monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or in a lump sum. Ideally, all pledge payments will be completed by March 2027. Again, some members have approached us with special circumstances, and payments can be completed as late as December 2027. We encourage members to contact us to discuss any questions about the timing of payments.

Q: Will there be additional small group gatherings to ask questions?

A: We do not have plans to schedule additional gatherings. The Capital Campaign committee will soon begin to contact those members who have not yet pledged. Be sure to ask your questions when contacted or send an email to (Hint: Complete your pledge now and no one will call!)

September 25, 2024

Q: Will we be adding additional parking?

A: We will not be adding parking spaces. The number of required parking spaces (46) is based upon the seating capacity of the sanctuary. To best meet the needs of the congregation, we now have seven spaces allocated for disabled parking. We have two parking spaces for visitors. This leaves thirty-seven spaces for regular parking. The staff park in the driveway to the garage, and there are five “unofficial” parking spaces along the right side of the driveway off Sunnyhill Drive.

A: Will we still recognize Sunnyhill after the new construction?

Q: Once we know our budget, based on total pledges, we will hire an architect to design a facility that works within our parameters. It’s possible that the footprint of the building will look completely different. It’s possible that the most cost-effective avenue is to tear down the entire 1920s building and build new. Perhaps we relocate the kitchen so we can have a fellowship hall without pillars. Until we have received all pledges, and met with an architect, we cannot know how Sunnyhill will look.

September 18, 2024

Q: In broad strokes, what do we hope to achieve with new construction and repairs?

A: Safe, healthy, bright multi-purpose meeting rooms for adult and RE programs. A gathering space for congregational events beyond the sanctuary. A kitchen that will support congregational needs. Post-COVID HVAC that provides proper ventilation and air exchanges.

Q: How did we arrive at a goal of $4.4 million?

A: The capital campaign team met with a construction engineer experienced with church construction who provided guidelines for calculating the cost, based upon square footage, of new construction and renovation. The concept that meets our complete list of wants and needs includes:

  • A fellowship hall capable of seating 220 people at round tables of ten plus a little more space for associated programs.
  • A kitchen capable of serving meals for 220+ people and, of course, Coffee & Conversation.
  • Properly ventilated meeting rooms for RE and adult meetings.
  • Additional restrooms.
  • An elevator to make our facility completely ADA-compliant.
  • A new separate garage.

To make all elements of this concept a reality, the congregation must raise $4.4 million. Right now, the concept is a concept. But it does confirm that our dream is attainable within the space and limitations we have.

Q: Are there constraints imposed by Mt. Lebanon that must inform Sunnyhill’s final construction plans?

A: Yes. Sunnyhill sits on 2.4 acres, and, per an agreement with the township struck in 1971, Sunnyhill cannot build anything within 60 ft. of the property line. (The standard is 35 ft.) The height of any new structure cannot exceed the height of the heritage building.

September 11, 2024

Q: Are there any “non-negotiables” or “must haves”?

A: We’re sure every Sunnyhiller has a “wish list” for the capital campaign! At the summer gatherings, we asked people to share with us what they see as priorities for the capital campaign. Some folks emphasized repairs, such as in the garage and kitchen. Others emphasized new classroom space and accessibility. Some were very concerned that any decisions were “green” and reflective of our commitment as a congregation to our environment. Some attendees felt paying down the construction debt should be the number one priority. As members pledge their best gifts, we can better understand what is possible and how we can best meet the congregation’s priorities.

Q: How will the funds be managed between now and when they are needed?

A: We have opened a money market fund. As we receive pledge payments, the payments will go into the money market fund.

Q: The current construction loan resulted from a short fall in the last capital campaign. Part of the Be the Future capital campaign is to pay off this loan. Is it possible that we will pay off this loan and then find we need to take out a new loan If we don’t raise $4.4 million?

A: There is no plan to take out a loan. Our budget will be the amount raised in pledges, and our budget will determine what we can and cannot do.

September 4, 2024

Q: I don’t have a personal financial advisor, but I do have questions about gifts and taxes. Is there anyone who could help?

A: Yes! Two members, Trina Brown and Tyson Sears, are volunteering their time to meet one-on-one with any Sunnyhiller. They can assist with assessing and structuring donations and help consider tax implications. Please email and let us know if you’d like to hear from Trina or Tyson.

Q: I would like my pledge to be both cash and noncash. Is this possible?

A: Yes. Pledges can be cash, noncash, or a combination of both. If you are considering a noncash gift, such as stock, bonds, valuable jewelry, or art, please send an email to the leadership team, and we will get back to you to set up a time to discuss your gift.

Q: What are payment options for pledges to the capital campaign?

A: You can begin paying your pledge at any time. All payments should be completed by the end of 2027. Payments are typically lump sum, quarterly, or monthly. However, payment plans can be flexible, so please reach out to discuss your situation.

August 28, 2024

Q: Is there a difference between the capital campaign and the annual pledge drive? Am I expected to give to both?

A: We understand that every household has unique needs and commitments. Annual giving covers day-to-day operational expenses, such as staff salaries and utilities. We need members and friends to meet or exceed their pledge during our annual stewardship campaign this fall. In our gatherings, we often hear, “It’s a stretch,” and we agree. It is a stretch. To identify and make a best gift to the capital campaign means looking far beyond next year or the year after. Each of us must ask ourselves how important are things like accessibility, new classrooms, critical repairs, and relieving a debt burden? Our goal is for all members and friends to participate in both the annual pledge drive and the capital campaign.

Q: I pay my annual pledge monthly. Can I just add in the amount for my capital campaign pledge?

A: It’s very important that these funds be kept separate, so, no, it will not be possible to pay one amount monthly that is for your annual giving and your campaign pledge. If you pay by check, please plan to send two separate checks monthly. If you make an automatic payment through Breeze, it’s easy to set up a second monthly payment and we’re happy to help with this.

Q: Has pledging so far been mostly from long-time Sunnyhillers?

A: No. We have seen equal enthusiasm from newer and long-time members. What’s exciting to see is that regardless of the number of years as members, people are pledging their best gifts to invest in Sunnyhill’s future.

August 21, 2024

Q: Is it possible to meet one on one with a member of the campaign leadership team?

A: Absolutely! is a dedicated email address that connects you to the leadership team. Feel free to ask questions or ask to set up a one-on-one meeting or phone call.

Q: Will capital campaign funds be used to improve accessibility?

A: Yes! The plan includes installation of an elevator so members and guests of all abilities can access the downstairs. Won’t it be exciting when every corner of Sunnyhill is accessible to all of us?

Q: Has Sunnyhill considered other sources of revenue, such as rentals for weddings?

A: Improvements to our kitchen and dining room will make us an attractive location for many types of functions. However, current staff cannot take on the duties of a sexton, a person on site during a function to unlock the church, assist renters, clean up, and lock up. To successfully rent our space, we need to improve the physical space and budget for a sexton. Rentals could be an excellent way to generate revenue in the future.

Q: The plan for the campaign funds includes the addition of two new RE rooms. Will two be sufficient to handle increased enrollment?

A: Additional classrooms will allow us to expand RE programs for all ages for our current membership and accommodate new members. More rooms, and more RE programming, mean we must also address the critical need for an assistant to support the Director of Religious Education and for funding for continuing education. Reducing the construction debt will allow us to manage these additional operational expenses.

Q: I feel that my pledge is small and won’t really help.

A: Every pledge—every best gift—matters. Pledging is very personal; it is not “one size fits all.” Smaller pledges add up to bigger pledges, and every pledge brings us closer to the Sunnyhill of the future. When we talk to members who supported the last capital campaign, they tell us that when they sit in our beautiful sanctuary, they feel a great sense of pride that they helped make this happen. They are a part of the sanctuary. When you pledge your best gift in 2024, you become a part of Sunnyhill’s future.

August 14, 2024

Q: How do I pledge my best gift to the capital campaign?

A: If you’re ready to pledge now, you can do so in three ways: click the link above to go directly to the Be the Future online pledge form; on Sundays, scan the QR code you’ll see at the Be the Future table in Fellowship Hall and on the screens in the sanctuary; or complete a paper pledge form—available at the Be the Future table.

Q: Is capital campaign pledging and annual pledging different?

A: Yes. The congregation voted in April to move forward on the capital campaign, which addresses the need to repair or upgrade Fellowship Hall, the dining room, and the kitchen; replace the garage; add classrooms; and pay down the construction debt. The annual stewardship drive (which culminates each December with the Budget Meeting) funds annual operating expenses, such as salaries, benefits, utilities, religious education materials, etc.

Q: Why do we need to include paying down the construction debt in the capital campaign?

A: Debt reduction may not seem a very glamorous way to use our pledges! Remember that there are three broad objectives of the capitsl campaign: complete necessary repairs on our existing building, add new spaces and upgrade some existing spaces, and reduce the construction debt. Each year we pay $63,000 towards reducing debt. Because we must earmark money annually for debt reduction, we must remove from the budget items such as salary adjustments to bring us in line with UUA recommendations, money for continuing education for our Director of Religious Education, new hiring (such as an assstant for the DRE and a sexton to be on-site for rentals), funds to support committee work, guest speakers for Sunday services, and scholarships so more members can attend Summer Institute or General Assembly. This year, we could budget for only some of our yearly dues to the UUA. Proceeds from the Service Auction allowed us to pay the remainder.

September 2024 

Two Informational Gatherings have been scheduled for September: Sept. 15, 10 to 11 a.m., and Sept. 22, 11:15 to 12:15. All who attend a gathering in September will be entered in a drawing for a wine dinner for four prepared and hosted by Dennis and Alekka Sweeney!

Save the date! On Sept. 28, at 5:00 p.m., the Be the Future team will host a congregational potluck. We’ll have activities for children, so bring the family! If you were unable to attend a summer gathering, the potluck is your chance to sit down with other Sunnyhillers and the campaign team. This will be your opportunity to ask questions and share your hopes for Sunnyhill’s future. Our job is to answer questions, learn the congregation’s priorities for the capital campaign, and help you identify your best gift. Watch the Beat and Facebook for a link to sign up for the potluck. If you’ve already pledged, please come for good food and fellowship!

June – August 2024

If you attended an August gathering, Sunday, Aug. 25, we will select one lucky person who will win brunch for four prepared by Donna Kaufman. If you attend a gathering in September, you could win a wine dinner for four prepared by Dennis and Alekka Sweeney!

Those who attended a gathering in June or July were entered in a drawing to win a river boat cruise for four, hosted by Denny McCracken. On July 28, the winning name was drawn. Congratulations to John Luff!

Informational gatherings kicked off on June 16 and will continue through August. Gatherings are casual, small group discussions hosted by the Be the Future team. They are your opportunity to ask questions and to share your dreams for Sunnyhill’s future. , and to share your perspectives on priorities for the campaign. Our job is to answer questions, listen and learn the congregation’s priorities for the campaign, and help you identify your best gift.

The Be the Future capital campaign graphic was approved on June 12.

May 2024

It’s official! On May 22, the capital campaign Communications Team selected Be the Future as the name for Sunnyhill’s capital campaign. Claire Pullen began designing a graphic for the campaign.

Following the Sunday service on May 19, the capital campaign Leadership Team presented proposed building options and estimates.

April 2024

At the annual meeting on April 14, the congregation voted to move forward with the capital campaign.

March 2024

On March 24, the Board of Trustees presented to the congregation for their consideration a captal campagn proposal to help pay off the church’s construction debt and to renovate, rebuild, or replace the older parts of the building.