Our current BYLAWS have not been updated since 2016. Revision to the BYLAWS has been started but not yet completed.
One of the Board’s goals for this year is to complete the Bylaws revision. This will be done in 2 steps. We are committed to completing step 1 so this revision can be presented during the December Annual Meeting.

1. Update Article III. Welcoming Congregation Statement.

The current language:

Article III: Welcoming Congregation Statement

This religious community welcomes people of various life situations, abilities, and viewpoints. We celebrate human diversity in all its wonderful forms. We affirm and respect each other, rejoicing in each individual’s unique gifts. This affirmation is relevant to all dimensions of congregational life, including membership, hiring practices, leadership, and worship.

To be replaced with:

Beloved Conversations language update:

We commit to pursuing anti-racist, multicultural, and non-binary initiatives in all areas of congregational life, including membership, hiring practices, leadership, and worship. To further this commitment, Members acknowledge that the white supremacy culture in America has allowed, and continues to allow, individuals who identify as white to gain social and economic advantage to the detriment of persons of color. Members agree to undertake honest inquiry, even when uncomfortable, to understand how institutional practices and policies perpetuate a white supremacy culture that continues to privilege those who identify as white.

2. Completion of the remainder of the Bylaws. A committee composed of current and past Board members with at least one non-board member will work on the revisions. Educational /feedback sessions will be scheduled so all members can review and provide feedback. We are committed to a presentation/vote during the April congregational meeting.

Full UUCSH Bylaws can be found here.